Posts in Philosophy
Want to counter Andrew Tate? Reclaim the BMW (basic moral wisdom)

It’s every liberal parent’s nightmare. One day they happen to glance at their 14-year-old son’s laptop, and they see he is watching videos by Andrew Tate, the mullah of misogyny. They start to notice red flags in their son’s conversation: ‘bitches’, ‘choke-holds’, ‘feminism is cancer’, ‘Hitler wasn’t all bad’. Could their sweet little Quentin have been radicalized by the online far-right manosphere?

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On philosophy, theology and ‘psychedelic integration’

‘You went into psychiatry to try and cast light on the mystery of suffering. Did it?

‘Not really. It’s a theological question, you can’t expect medicine to answer it.’

RD Laing, interviewed near the end of his life.

In this article I’m going to look at definitions of ‘psychedelic integration’ and suggest that philosophy and theology inevitably play a role in the evaluation of the truth and wisdom of post-trip beliefs.

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How postmodernism became the bogeyman of the Culture Wars

The most influential thinkers of the last half century are an obscure group of French philosophers — Jean-Francois Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and possibly others like Jacques Lacan and Roland Barthes. They are The Postmodernistsduh-duh DUHHHHH! — and they pose a fundamental threat to western civilization — to free speech, reason, science, to the idea of the individual and universal values, to liberalism itself.

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